Monday, May 10, 2010


When the professor walked into the room for the first time, most of the class paused. They didn't do or say anything out of the ordinary, until he introduced himself. That's when they were shocked. They were shocked because he was ten years old.
I know the reaction because I was there, watching for it. Nobody in that room knew who the professor was or what he looked like, except for two men: me, and an assassin. I was there to find that assassin. He had the advantage of my not knowing who he was disguised as; I had the advantage of him not even knowing I was there.
While that class reacted to learning that they were around twice the age of the professor, I was watching the whole room, unseen. I needed to see all of their surprise, because I needed to see the one man who wasn't really surprised at all.
A single glance in a single instant was all I needed to see, and when I saw it, I knew I'd won.
All I had had left to know was where the danger was, but once I found it, taking down someone who'd kill a child for money was all that would be left. And that would be easy.
Why would it be easy?
Because I'm the goddamn Batman.

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